Having signed an agreement with a client, you then have to actually pay out the financing, and then collect the interest and repayments. With Pay & Collect this is effortless, as everything is completely automated. Incoming payments are automatically matched with outstanding payment obligations and immediately included in your administration via an accounting link, helping you scale up loan operations.
Even when a customer is in payment arrears, you can leave things largely to Fyndoo Pay & Collect. If a scheduled repayment isn’t made, it automatically sends a payment reminder. You can also document payment arrangements. If the backlog becomes too big, a review process kicks in. In combination with Manage, it’s also easy to make changes, such as to the interest rates, repayment schedule, or an extra repayment, offering personalized payment options.
Discover the many benefits our lending platform offers you with Fyndoo Pay & Collect.
Experience Pay & Collect from the perspective of a back office employee dealing with arrears, matching incoming payments and payment plans.