
Lending Made Easy

Lending offers huge opportunities. Whether it is for SME lending, sustainable financing or embedded consumer loans: opportunities abound. Time to Fyndoo - Cloud Lending Software!

"The admin time per file has dropped from 12 to less than 4 hours, a massive efficiency gain!"
Arco ten Klooster
Arco ten Klooster
Managing director and co-founder of Casarion
"This digital solution has made us more effective."
Dennis Karacan
Dennis Karacan
Product Owner Business Lending de Volksbank

Fyndoo Lending Platform

Lending is important - for people to achieve dreams, for businesses to grow, and to enable the sustainability transition.


Unfortunately, lending is a tough business. Assessing risk, regulatory authorities, complex processes, and legacy systems make it hard to grow your lending business.


Fyndoo makes lending effortless. Easy and accessible for your clients. Fully supporting all your processes - from advice, origination to reporting. Easy to tailor to your competitive edge. Fyndoo makes lending truly easy for you and your clients.


Discover the software

Getting started with Fyndoo in 3 simple steps



We begin with your business case. Is it about shortening your TTY and TTC? Are you mainly looking to reduce costs or do you want to conquer the market with an innovative proposition? We provide an extensive and interactive demo and zoom in on the most important elements to realise your business case.



During the course of a number of workshops (or ‘deep dives’) we identify the business requirements and necessary integrations, and also determine the technical architecture. On completing this step, there is a comprehensive and crystal-clear picture of what needs to be achieved.



What’s the best way and sequence in which to experience the benefits and business value of Fyndoo for yourself? Together we determine the roll-out strategy and make a detailed plan for the first step: a market-ready product live in 100 days!

Want to know more?

Want to learn more about Fyndoo - Effortless lending? Or would you like to do a demo?

Get in touch